Rivers and Streams Committee

To enhance the protection and proper management of Michigan rivers and streams by encouraging interdisciplinary, integrated watershed management, provide an exchange of information, promote needed research, propose draft resolutions, and draw attention to lotic resources and issues.

Composition:  A Chair is to be elected by a Committee selected by the President and approved by the President. In addition they may solicit other interested Chapter members, professionals, and students outside the Chapter for assistance. The Committee shall meet twice a year to carry out their agenda.

Current Chair:

Nate Winkler


  1. Serve as a consulting group for the Chapter and management agencies, and act as a clearing house for issues and information on riverine systems.
  2. Apply the recommendation of the North Central Division Rivers and Streams Committee at a local level, and report back to the NCD Committee.
  3. Identify key issues of concern facing managers and researchers in Michigan, and address them through position papers, special symposiums, and Committee discussions.