Communications Committee
To manage the communication functions of the Chapter by disseminating pertinent information to the membership via the Chapter’s listserve, web page, Facebook page and annual newsletter.
Click here for instructions to use the MI AFS listserve.
The Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the President, along with the Chapter listserve owner, webmaster, and newsletter editor. The listserve owner, webmaster, or newsletter editor may serve as the Chair. The Chair may seek assistance from the Executive Committee or other Chapter members as the Chair deems necessary.
April Simmons
Website Coordinator: Doug Larson
- Maintain, manage, and disseminate pertinent information to the Chapter membership via the email list serve.
- Maintain the Chapter web page.
- Publish the Chapter newsletter in accordance with the procedural manual.
- Maintain a line of communication with the Parent Society to ensure that Chapter information posted on the Parent Society web page is current.
- Explore and develop more effective and efficient means of communication to the Chapter membership.