Presentation / Poster Awards

Purpose: To coordinate evaluation of student presentations at the annual meeting of the Chapter and select a winner and runner-up to receive “Best Student Presentation Award” and a winner and runner up to receive the “Best Student Poster Presentation Award”.

Composition:  A Chair appointed by the President, and one or more additional members appointed by the Chair or the President.

Current Chair:  Mark Tonello


  1. To coordinate evaluation of student presentations at the annual meeting of the Chapter.
  2. To select a winner and runner-up to receive “Best Student Presentation Award” and a winner and runner up to receive the “Best Student Poster Presentation Award”.
  3. Solicit donations of prizes for the Chapter raffles.
  4. Conduct the raffle at Chapter meetings, including selling tickets, drawing winning tickets, and tallying raffle proceeds.
  5. Report to the Executive Committee the results of the raffles, and make suggestions for future raffles and other fund-raising activities for the Chapter.