Water Quality Committee

The mission of the Water Quality Committee is to increase awareness among Chapter members of the importance of water quality in aquatic ecosystems and to provide a mechanism for Chapter members to obtain and share information about water quality issues that are of particular relevance to Michigan and surrounding states.

The Water Quality Committee shall be chaired by a single, willing, volunteer who is a member of the Chapter. The Chair shall serve a minimum term of 1 year upon approval. The Chair position shall be approved by the Chapter president.

The Committee shall meet at least once a year and shall be governed by Chapter members, but interested non-Chapter members may participate in Committee activities.

Current Chair:
Doug Bradley

Duties:   The Chair works with the committee members to:

  1. Promote membership awareness on the relationships of water quality to that of healthy aquatic ecosystems within Michigan.
  2. Promote an understanding of existing regulations and voluntary activities intended to protect the quality of Michigan’s waters.
  3. Disseminate information about plans, policies, criteria, and rules affecting water quality and provide review comments, when appropriate.
  4. Establish a link on the Chapter website to help keep members informed of Committee activities. Provide updates to the website host.
  5. Submit an annual report to the Executive Committee summarizing activities over the past year.
  6. Establish a liaison with similar committees of the North Central Division and Parent Society.

Water quality links