Nominating Committee
To prepare a slate of candidates for the offices of President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer.
Four members, including the Chair (appointed by the President) and 3 additional members appointed by either the Chair or the President.
Current Chair:
Kevin Kapuscinski
- The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall direct the nomination and voting procedures and tally the votes as outlined in the following section.
- All members of the Committee, including the Chair, may nominate candidates for President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer. Members of the Nominating Committee are ineligible to be candidates for office.
- The committee may vote on candidates by assigning points to preference if a consensus cannot be reached. Votes will be evaluated by the Chair who determines the top two candidates on the basis of the highest point total. For persons eligible for re-election to the same office, the Nominating Committee shall review the individual’s performance in office as a part of its consideration of the individual as a candidate.
- Written results of the nomination shall be forwarded to the Chapter President as soon as the candidates have been determined. The President shall review the results with the Chair.
- This is a confidential process and committee members may not discuss the individuals on the list or the rankings with anyone other than other committee members.
The duties should be implemented as follows:
- Each Committee member should submit at least two names to the Chair by February 1 for consideration along with a brief sketch of each candidate.
- By February 15, a preference ballot along with sketches should be forwarded to all members of the Committee by the Chair.
- Ballots should be returned to the Chair by March 1. The Chair determines the top two candidates and contacts them on their willingness to run. If one or both decline for each office then the remaining candidates are contacted in order of preference.
- Biographical sketches of the candidates and a ballot should be prepared for the June Newsletter.
- One month should be allowed for the return of these ballots to the Chair, the due date being stated on the ballot. To assure that only Society members vote, the voting member should sign only the envelope enclosing the returned ballot.
- The Chair shall tabulate and record the votes and notify the President of the election results.
- In the event of a tie vote for any office, the Nominating Committee will be polled by mail to resolve the tie.
- The President will notify the candidates of the results.
- The Chair will be responsible for publishing results in the Chapter Newsletter.