Janice Lee Fenske Memorial Award Committee

To oversee the annual award which serves to recognize students who share the same characteristics and attributes that Jan exhibited throughout her professional career. The award is presented annually at a breakfast held in conjunction with the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.

The committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President, the chair of the Awards Committee, and one to two additional members appointed annually by the chair in consultation with the President.

Current Chair:
Jessica Mistak


1 year prior to conference:

  • Identify the Chapter’s Fenske Memorial Award Committee and Chair
  • Work with the North Central Division, the Host State Chapter, and the Michigan Chapter of AFS and the Host State and Michigan chapters of TWS to coordinate plans for the Fenske Memorial Award ceremony
  • Coordinate with the North Central Division and the Host State Chapter of AFS to secure a match of $250 for the fisheries scholarship

August 30:

  • Finalize the Fenske Memorial Award announcement and send to the Award sponsors for distribution

October 15:

  • Screen applications based on academic ability and scholarly achievements; select up to 25 student finalists to attend the Fenske Memorial Award ceremony

November 1:

  • Forward applications from wildlife students selected as finalists to the Michigan Chapter of The Wildlife Society

November 15:

  • Select the Fenske Memorial Award winner in fisheries
  • Order the plaque for the Fenske Memorial Award winner in fisheries
  • Order the certificates for the Fenske Memorial Award finalists in fisheries

Day of the Fenske Memorial Award ceremony:

  • Presentation about Jan Fenske and the purpose of the Fenske Memorial Award
  • Work with the North Central Division and the Host State Chapter of AFS to present certificates to the Award finalists in fisheries, and the scholarship and plaque to the Award winner in fisheries