Officer Duties
Leadership of the Michigan Chapter is vested in four officers: President, President_Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Past President. The Secretary-Treasurer’s term is two years; all other terms run for one year, commencing at the spring business meeting.
These four are voting members of the Executive Committee and are the ultimate authority for the operation of the Chapter. In the case of a vacancy in any office except the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified replacement to fill the unexpired term. All nominees for officers shall be members of the American Fisheries Society in good standing and shall have attended an annual business meeting in one of the three years preceding their nomination.
The Executive Committee normally meets several times each year. Meetings are chaired and operated from an agenda prepared by the Chapter President. Meetings are open to the Chapter members who may observe and participate in the discussion as guests recognized by the President.
Duties of the President
- Directs the business of the Chapter for a one-year term beginning at the spring business meeting.
- Presides at all meetings of the Chapter, including the spring business meeting and Executive Committee meetings. Serves as a voting member on the Executive Committee of the North Central Division (NCD) and a nonvoting member of the Executive Committee of AFS, attending the NCD meeting and, whenever possible, the AFS meeting. If attendance at the NCD Executive Committee is not possible an alternate should be appointed.
- Keeps the President-Elect fully informed so that he/she can perform the duties of the President if the need arises.
- Appoints Chairs to the Chapter’s various standing and special committees within 30 days of assuming office and creates special committees as needed. Publishes committee representatives in the December issue of the newsletter. Committee members are selected with the help of the Executive Committee and the committee chairs. Communicates regularly with committee chairs to ensure they are fulfilling their responsibilities, and requests that they prepare annual reports for the Chapter.
- Distributes copies of the Society and Chapter procedural manuals to new officers and committee chairs and becomes familiar with Chapter Bylaws.
- Prepares summaries of Chapter activities for presentation at the NCD annual meeting, and writes a column of newsworthy topics for the biannual newsletter, and conducts other business and correspondence for the Chapter as the need arises.
- Forwards resolutions approved by the Chapter to the chosen recipients with appropriate background information and cover letter.
- Responds to outside requests for assistance and information from the Chapter with the assistance of the Executive Committee.
- Keeps the NCD and AFS informed about the activities of the Chapter.
- Keeps AFS office and officers informed of Chapter activities. Edits and signs (or designates a signer) for all Chapter correspondence.
Duties of the President-Elect
- Assumes the Duties of President if the President is unable to complete the term of office.
- Works closely with the President so that the Chapter’s activities will continue to run smoothly in the next year.
- Serves as a voting member of the Chapter’s Executive Committee.
- Develops an Action Agenda for his/her Presidential term of office using the Chapter’s Long Range Plan. The agenda should be published in the biannual newsletter.
- Anticipates necessary committee appointments so that they can be made at the time of or soon after the annual Fall Chapter meeting.
- Organizes the Chapter’s annual meeting including time, place, meals, program, and other agenda items.
- Prepares an annual budget (income and expenses) for the following year.
Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
- Prepares and distributes to the Executive Committee members the minutes of Executive Committee Meetings and other business meetings of the Chapter. Sends minutes of the annual Chapter business meeting to the AFS Executive Director within 30 days after the Chapter meeting. Minutes and newsletter also should be sent to the Division President.
- Prepares correspondence as requested by officers of the Chapter.
- Serves as a voting member of the Chapter’s Executive Committee.
- Maintains historical records of activities, attendance at annual business meetings, minutes, and other facts about the Chapter, and forwards these records to the incoming Secretary. At appropriate times, transfers historical records to the Chapter archives located at the National Fisheries Research Center-Great Lakes in Ann Arbor.
- Maintains stationary and other supplies necessary for Chapter operations.
- Informs the AFS Executive Director, Division President, and appropriate Society staff of changes in officers, dates and locations of meetings, and other necessary information.
- Distributes copies of resolutions to the Executive Director, AFS Resolutions Committee, Division President, and appropriate individuals or agencies, as instructed in the resolution.
- Acts as Bylaw consultant and parliamentarian at Chapter meetings. Forwards any proposed Bylaw changes to the Executive Director for review by AFS Constitutional Consultant and subsequent approval by AFS Excom.
- Orders a Past-President’s certificate from the AFS office which is to be presented as the first order of new business at the Fall Chapter meeting.
- Prepares summaries for Fisheries concerning Chapter activities and meetings.
- Receives, holds, invests, and disburses funds as needed as authorized by AFS and Chapter Bylaws and Rules and approved by the Chapter’s Executive committee.
- Maintains financial records in standard accounting format (see pages 61-63 in the AFS Procedure Manual for an example of format).
- Prepares a quarterly budget status report for the Executive Committee. Each summary prepared is a cumulative update on the actual income and expenses, compared to what was projected.
- Prepares an annual financial report and submits it and associated records to the Chapter at the fall meeting.
Duties of the Immediate Past President
- Serves as a voting member on the Chapter’s Executive Committee.
- Works closely with the President and Executive Committee so that Chapter activities will continue to run smoothly.
- Undertakes special assignments at the direction of the Chapter President.
- Updates Procedural Manual to reflect changes in responsibilities of officers and committees.
- Prepares and conducts annual survey on issues relevant to Chapter and AFS affairs.